Consumables for Organoids and Cell Lines

Item Vendor Part Number Unit Size Cost
DPBS; no calcium, no magnesium ThermoFisher 14190250 10 x 500mL $120
DMEM; high glucose, no glutamine ThermoFisher 11960069 10 x 500mL $140
Advanced DMEM/F12 ThermoFisher 12634028 10 x 500mL $600
Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS); Premium Select, Heat Inactivated Bio-Techne S11550H 500mL bottle $300
TrypLE Express ThermoFisher 12605-010 100mL bottle $15
Recovery Cell Culture Freezing Medium ThermoFisher 12648010 50mL bottle $120
Matrigel Corning CB356239 5 x 10pk $350
Recombinant Human R-spondin-1 STEMCELL 78213.3 1000ug $2,500
Plastic Consumables
6-well plates, tissue culture treated Fisher Scientific 07-200-80 cs/100 $140
12-well plates, tissue culture treated Fisher Scientific 07-200-81 cs/100 $170
Corning Cryogenic Vials with closures, 2mL Fisher Scientific 337421 cs/500 $190
Cell Strainers, 100 um Fisher Scientific 08-771-19 cs/50 $75
Cell Strainers, 70 um Fisher Scientific 08-771-20 cs/50 $75
1000uL filter tips USA Scientific 1122-1730 cs/10 $80
200uL filter tips USA Scientific 1120-8710 cs/10 $70
20uL filter tips USA Scientific 1123-1710 cs/10 $70
BD Tuberculin Syringes; 1mL Fisher Scientific 14-823-434 8 x 200pk $380
Needle, 25G x 5/8in, 100/bx, 10bx/case Fisher Scientific 14826AA case $180
50mL conical tubes Fisher Scientific 05-538-60 cs/500 $135
15mL conical tubes Fisher Scientific 05-538-59b cs/500 $120
Ultra Spin Microcentrifuge Tubes; 1.5mL DOT Scientific 711-FTG 500/pk $15
Microcentrifuge Tubes; 0.6mL LabSource T52-436 5000/cs $350
5mL serological pipettes Fisher Scientific 13-675-22 200/cs $45
10mL serological pipettes Fisher Scientific 14-955-234 200/cs $45
25mL serological pipettes Fisher Scientific 07-200-575 200/cs $95


Cell-line and Organoid Services

Service Description Unit Cost
Fresh Biopsies Biopsies collected and stored in Transport Media for future organoid generation 4-6 biopsies per region collected $7.50
Fresh surgical tissue Surgical tissue resections stored in Transport Media or formalin 5-10g per region collected $11.25
Fresh Blood Blood collected from clinical patients (bulk, plasma, serum, etc.) per tube $3.75
Fresh mucosal brush Mucosal brush collected during colonoscopy per brush, per region $9.50
Fresh luminal aspirate Aspirate samples collected in clinic per sample, per region $5.15
Frozen Biopsies in RNAlater Biopsies collected and stored in RNAlater for metatranscriptomics 4-6 biopsies per region collected $10
Conditioned media containing WRN Conditioned media for organoid work 10 mL $20.50
Conditioned media containing Noggin Conditioned media for organoid work 10 mL $20.50
Conditioned media containing R-spondin Conditioned media for organoid work 10 mL $20.50
Mouse enteroid expansion media growth media for organoids 50 mL $110.50
Mouse colonoid expansion media growth media for organoids 50 mL $110.50
Human organoid expansion media growth media for organoids 50 mL $250.10
Frozen cell lines Vials of WRN, Noggin, and R-spondin secreting cell lines 1 cryovial $127
Glycerol stocks of bacterial strains Bacterial strains generated from human or mouse microbiomes 1 cryovial $115
Frozen Mouse organoid line Frozen vial of mouse enteroid 1 cryovial $190.45
Frozen Human organoid line Frozen vial of human organoid line 1 cryovial $207.50
Generation of fresh organoid line Making new lines from freshly collected tissue sample 2 wells fresh, or 1 vial frozen $622.50
Organoid experiment Generating organoids, expanding them, and running experiments with them 4-6 wells fresh, per treatment/condition $1500+ *This is a variable fee depending on what the collaborator needs us to. Base minimum will be $1500
Active enteroid or colonoid line (mouse) Aliquot of mouse line currently in active culture 2 wells of 6-well plate $450.00
Active organoid line (human) Aliquot of human line currently in active culture 2 wells of 6-well plate $450.00
Consulting services Hourly rate per hour $110
Teaching for growth of organoids Hourly rate per hour $110
Technician fee/labor Hourly rate per hour $55