Joel Pekow, MD                                  Sonia Kupfer, MD                            Christopher Weber, MD, PhD
     Director                                                 Co-Director                                              Co-Director


The Integrative Clinical and Biospecimen (ICB) Core utilizes human translational and basic science expertise of the Core directors to facilitate human-based studies by: a) providing consultative services to develop and advance translational study experimental design, to facilitate submission of IRBs and to facilitate statistical analyses; and b) providing consultative services for utilization of pathology specimens and services.

Human-based Study Services

The ICB Core provides streamlined access to comprehensive clinical information as a resource for patient recruitment, phenotyping, and epidemiology data by: a) maintaining a virtual clinical database that seamlessly integrates clinical metadata from internal and external sources including Epic, Centricity, the National Death Registry, the Cancer Registry, LabVantage, and REDCap; b) providing services to interrogate data in the virtual clinical database tailored to investigator needs; and c) supporting C-IID members in study design and IRB submissions.

Pathology Consultation & Histopathological Analysis

The ICB Core provides pathology consultation, instruction in all techniques, including immunohistochemistry and specialized guidance specifically related to the analysis of complex gastrointestinal disease. The core also provides fee-for-service immunohistochemical or immunofluorescent staining of investigator-provided or archive derived human and animal tissue.

Biospecimen Repository

The ICB Core provides uniform patient recruitment and biospecimen acquisition to optimize individual and collaborative research with a biospecimen repository containing a large number of diverse samples in well-phenotyped population and enabling utilization of pathology archives and histopathology processing for translational research.

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